Application of semiotic theory of Michael Riffateree in Al-Hussein's poem in the time of theater of Jassim al-Sahih's poetry

نوع المستند : Original Article


1 أستاذة قسم اللغة العربیة وأدابها بجامعة طهران

2 Ph.D. Student of Arabic Language and Literature, Kharazmi University



Riffateree's theory is a semiotic theory that is considered to be in the field of structuralism. The basis of this theory is to discover the semantic network of poetry by relying on the reader's literary ability. The main goal of this theory is to reach the origin of the poem or the main concept of the poem by passing from the primary (exploratory) reading to the secondary (reactive) reading. Primary reading is based on linguistic ability and secondary reading is based on literary ability. If all the components of this theory are identified, then the origin of the poem, the main source on which the poem is based, is identified. In this article, all the components of Riffateree's theory are first defined, and then Al-Hossein fi Zaman al-Masrahiyat is analyzed according to it. The poetic origin of this ode is the false poets of nowadays. this ode represents Ashurai culture.

Keywords: Riffateree's theory, Ashurai culture, Jassim al sahih, contemporary poem.

الكلمات الرئيسية

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