Textual interaction in the poetry of Ibn Abi Al-Hadid: A descriptive, analytical-historical study

نوع المستند : Original Article


1 assistant porofesor

2 Associate Professor, Kosar University of Bojnord. Bojnord, Iran

3 fatima.ferdosi@yahoo.com


intertextuality is one of the critical terms that appeared in the sixties of the last century, but in terms of concept it has deep roots in Arab criticism, despite the difference in names and descriptions according to its type and degree. They all feed into the current concept of intertextuality, and the poetic text can be treated according to mechanisms. Intertextuality. The importance of research in studying historical intertextuality is highlighted in order to reveal the poetic features that distinguish Abu Al-Hadid’s poetry. Behind the poet's drawing from various sources, religious and traditional, is a group of cultural and psychological motives that combine to form a rich reference, providing the poem with renewed vital energy, removing it from the direct and automatic control that has characterized some poems in the history of literature, and thus the poem gains a new cognitive richness. And renewed, it gives it a state of dynamism and formation, because cultural transformations require the poet to be familiar with the different references and opinions that prevail in his era or precede it, and he must be open to different cultures and absorb them. Ibn Abi Al-Hadid wrote his poetry in this vision, so that His poetic text is intertwined with various historical texts, all of which constitute the architecture of his poetic text, floating on the surface of the text sometimes and diving into its depths at other times. Abu Al-Hadid is considered a fertile foundation for various studies,

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